Friday, December 27, 2019

10 Calcium Element Facts You Should Know

Calcium is one of the elements you need in order to live, so its worth knowing a little bit about it. Here are some quick facts about the element calcium. Fast Facts: Calcium Element Name: CalciumElement Symbol: CaAtomic Number: 20Standard Atomic Weight: 40.078Discovered By: Sir Humphry DavyClassification: Alkaline Earth MetalState of Matter: Solid Metal Calcium is element atomic number 20 on the periodic table, which means each atom of calcium has 20 protons. It has the periodic table symbol Ca and an atomic weight of 40.078. Calcium isnt found free in nature, but it can be purified into a soft silvery-white alkaline earth metal. Because the alkaline earth metals are reactive, pure calcium typically appears dull white or gray from the oxidation layer that quickly forms on the metal when its exposed to air or water.  The pure metal can be cut using a steel knife.Calcium is the 5th most abundant element in the Earths crust, present at a level of about 3% in the oceans and soil. The only metals more abundant in the crust are iron and aluminum. Calcium is also abundant on the Moon. It is present at about 70 parts per million by weight in the solar system.  Natural calcium is a mixture of six isotopes, with the most abundant (97%) being calcium-40.The element is essential for animal and plant nutrition. Calcium participates in many b iochemical reactions, including building skeletal systems, cell signaling, and moderating muscle action.  It is the most abundant metal in the human body, found mainly in bones and teeth. If you could extract all of the calcium from the average adult person, youd have about 2 pounds (1 kilogram) of the metal.  Calcium in the form of calcium carbonate is used by snails and shellfish to construct shells.Dairy products and grains are the primary sources of dietary calcium, accounting or about three-quarters of dietary intake. Other sources of calcium include protein-rich foods, vegetables, and fruits.Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption by the human body. Vitamin D is converted to a hormone which causes intestinal proteins responsible for calcium absorption to be produced.Calcium supplementation is controversial. While calcium and its compounds are not considered to be toxic, ingesting too many calcium carbonate dietary supplements or antacids can cause milk-alkali syndrom e, which is associated with hypercalcemia sometimes leading to fatal renal failure. Excessive consumption would be on the order of 10 g calcium carbonate/day, though symptoms have been reported upon ingesting as little as 2.5 g calcium carbonate daily.  Excessive calcium consumption has been linked to kidney stone formation and artery calcification.Calcium is used for making cement, making cheese, removing nonmetallic impurities from alloys, and as a reduction agent in the preparation of other metals.  The Romans used to heat limestone, which is calcium carbonate, to make calcium oxide. The calcium oxide was mixed with water to make cement, which was mixed with stones to build aqueducts, amphitheaters, and other structures that survive to the present day.Pure calcium metal reacts vigorously and sometimes violently with water and acids.  The reaction is exothermic. Touching calcium metal can cause irritation or even chemical burns. Swallowing calcium metal can be fatal.The elem ent name calcium comes from the Latin word calcis or calx  meaning lime.  In addition to occurrence in lime (calcium carbonate), calcium is found in the minerals gypsum (calcium sulfate) and fluorite (calcium fluoride).Calcium has been known since the 1st century, when the ancient Romans were known to make lime from calcium oxide.  Natural calcium compounds are readily available in the form of calcium carbonate deposits, limestone, chalk, marble, dolomite, gypsum, fluorite, and apatite.Though calcium has been known for thousands of years, it was not purified as an element until 1808 by Sir Humphry Davy (England). Thus, Davy is considered to be the discoverer of calcium. Sources Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. p. 112.Parish, R. V. (1977).  The Metallic Elements. London: Longman. p.  34.Weast, Robert (1984).  CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp.  E110.​

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Career As A Career Of A Policy Officer - 1497 Words

I wish to be considered for the role of a ‘Policy Officer’ as I strongly believe my seven years of experience working as research projects officer in CSIRO (Plant and Food Sciences group) will be very suitable to carry out the responsibilities of this position towards bringing the best outcomes. My knowledge is underpinned by significant academic achievements, including a PhD in Agricultural Science, a Master of Applied Science in Biotechnology and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. Being involved in different agricultural projects at CSIRO, my work contributes to enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability in Australia’s agricultural industries. I undertake research, experimental work and analysis on crop improvement,†¦show more content†¦My recommendation based on through analysis supported the collaborators in making decisions on selecting wheat lines for testing in field trials in different rain fall zones of Australia. Following up on our meeting, I arranged quarantine approvals by communicating appropriate Government Authority, and distributed them among the collaborators. My highly developed research and analytical skills, and communication with the collaborators enhanced team productivity in many ways and that has been highly valued in our annual collaborator project meeting. My experience explained above is based on only one project out of several that I have been actively involved in over the last seven years. For the successful completion of each project, I identify the issue and my scopes in the project, research relevant background and context, identify possible alternatives, carry out required consultations, select the best possible methodologies and finally contribute in preparing written project reports and scientific publications. My experiences together with my academic background demonstrate my strong suitability for the position of a ‘Policy Officer’. I welcome the opportunity to attend an interview to further elaborate on my ability for this position. I wish to be considered for the role of a ‘Policy Officer’ as I strongly believe my seven years of experience working asShow MoreRelatedForeign Service Officer For Citizenship And Immigration Canada878 Words   |  4 PagesFor as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a career that would continually broaden my horizons and benefit society at large. I am interested in a career as a Foreign Service Officer for Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) because of the international scope and dynamism of its long-term career path as well as the opportunity to contribute to Canadian society as a member of the public service. Although these aspects of the career appeal to me, I also recognize them as the two most challengingRead MoreCareer Paths That I Have Interest Essay1145 Words   |  5 Pagesexplore two career paths that I have interest in. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Routine novels Essay Example For Students

Routine novels Essay 1. In the beginning of the book, the first difference that can be observed is the cultural crash between the families that adopted the Korean girls. The contrast between the families was clear.The Donaldsons arrived with balloons and cameras, a huge amount of people, they were totally Americans, had all the costumes(food, culture way of living) and traditions from the United States. The Yazdans family, on the other hand, were not noticed, they were waiting quietly with few people the baby arrival. They were different, they followed their habits and costumes with strictness. What would probably happen is a cultural shock between both families, because each country, has its own religion, habits, and for persons to live in a convivid atmosphere, everyone must respect its choices†¦ The families will probably suffer different types of daily situations when they start educating their children. The Donaldsons kid might be a typical American girl, with all the thoughts, desires that an girl who lives in America has. The Yazdans family will have a way of educating their kid in their culture patterns, fact that may cause some problems for them in the future, because its very hard to maintain a tradition of a home country living in another, who will probably suffer the most is Susan, not finding her identity in this situation. 2) Dave Dickinson was a recent widowed man, his wife Connie died with cancer3. The significant event that happened was when he began dating Maryam Yazdam. He was feeling awful after his wife death, he couldnt think of anyone else. But then, he started feeling lonely in his big house and began finding excuses to be near to Maryam, an Iranian woman, very in touch with her culture. She had difficulties to attach to people, she had her own independent life. But they became very close, he was impressed by her, he wanted to know more about her costumes, he wanted to be with her, sometimes he caught himself thinking of her in a different way. After a while, he realized was in love with her, and then, they began a relationship with the culture conflict, but love won after all 3) The book shows how the United States became a melting pot, with different people of distinct countries in the same environment. At the same time, it relates how dificult is to understand other peoples costumes , it shows that everybody must respect and learn how to deal with the others .  Of course its hard for people who learnt things in a way, see others acting on the exact diferent way, it ´s hard to accept in the beginng, but with pacience and open mind, convive with other cultures is a way to expand knowledge and life experiences, exchanging informantions, daily costumes and life stories I can totally understand the situation, in the deep inside we are all the same, and we must respect each other no matter what choices of culture we have.  4)The author was successful. Anne Tyler is known around the globe for writing daily routine novels, what is amazing about that, is that even when she writes about normal things, her books still interesting and very unique. They have deep descriptions of the characters, it is shaprly observed , fact that makes the reader enter deeply in the story, materializing the characteristics and personalities of each characters in the novel. She brought on her novel a very controversial theme, in which any persons has lots of diferente thoughts and disagreements, what makes the book very discussable. Despite the fact that reading this piece is incredible, we cant see time passing during it.  Since the beginning of the story, we can see the differences between the cultures. The kids arrival celebrating party for example showed the differences of food and people, because there was a mix of cultures such as Korean, american and iranian.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Student Uniforms Essays - Uniforms, Childrens Clothing,

Student Uniforms Student Uniforms Students are always complaining about the dress codes at their school, and totally rejecting the idea of school uniforms, but I feel there are many benefits to this proposal. These days everyone is so concerned about being attractive and popular that they forget the real reason for going to school. The increase in academic performance and school spirit, along with the decrease in violence, is more important than looking cool for your friends. South Carolina school systems have the lowest test scores in the nation. Our students are not daft; they just do not consider schoolwork a top priority. With uniforms for every student, there would be less focus on fashion and more emphasis on education. Our report cards would be posted on the refrigerators for everyone to see, rather than stuffing them in the bottom of our backpacks. The students would be rewarded for their efforts, therefore their self esteem would also rise. Teen violence has reached its peak in our schools. Last year, numerous killings took place at schools around the country, largely due to taunting amongst the students. Uniforms would prohibit the wearing of chains, large pockets for hiding weapons, and gang colors worn to incite fights. Less students would be teased for their attire, and sexual harassment caused by provocative clothing would come to an end. Our schools would provide a more secure environment in which we all could learn. School spirit in South Carolina is extremely lacking, and it shows. Our athletic teams have very limited support, and it affects their performance greatly. A student could be missing on a field trip, and they would not be located for hours because they simply "blended" with the crowds from other schools. If we were obligated to wear uniforms, we would be more recognizable in public surroundings, and our sense of school pride would blossom. To quote Henry David Thoreau, "take the earth at your feet, and paint your house that color." School spirit should shine eminently in all students' lives; not fizzle out like a dampened fuse. Many students argue about the restrictions on their personal freedom. They do not realize that they could still select their own trendy accessories, and they can wear whatever they desire at home and on the weekends. I feel also, that with a standardized dress code, individual personalities would shine, and not be hidden behind the latest fashion. Parents are constantly advising their children that if everyone appeared the same on the outside, people would begin to recognize others for what is on the inside. We are encouraged to change the standards and be individuals. We should all stand out in what we achieve, and what we believe; not in what we wear.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Analyzing The Class System In Twelfth Night Duchess Of Malfi Essay free essay sample

The banquet of Twelfth Night where the drama takes its name, was celebrated in a clip when societal hierarchies were turned upside down. That same spirit is alive in Illyria, and Shakespeare has created state of affairss that create a comedic yet ludicrous tone to the drama. I am traveling to compare and contrast the ways in which hierarchy A ; category are used as secret plan devices, a agency create comedic circumstance and for misguided individuality. Hierarchy is series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system, and in the instance of twelfth dark the constrains of clip have to be taken into consideration, as the positions of modern-day audiences would give the drama a new reading and a loss of sarcasm or comedic value.Feste as a agency of a narrative characteristic if reasonably incohesive in his function along the side of characters such as Sir Toby whose actions dictate the dramas result ( his use of Sebastian ) instead we know of his mind although his calling does non propose thathe is intelligent one who professionally Counterfeits folly for the amusement of others, a fool, Clown or one who has little or no ground or mind although we see Feste as a crisp and witty fool Better a witty sap than a foolish humor. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyzing The Class System In Twelfth Night Duchess Of Malfi Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And because of his category no love like Maria is shown for minor functions ( although in some versions all characters are connected for an Orthodox happy stoping ) O kept woman mine, where are you rolling? O, stay and hear ; your true love s coming. .he is intelligent one who professionally Counterfeits folly for the amusement of others, a fool, Clown or one who has little or no ground or mind although we see Feste as a crisp and witty fool Better a witty sap than a foolish humor. And because of his category no love like Maria is shown for minor functions ( although in some versions all characters are connected for an Orthodox happy stoping ) O kept woman mine, where are you rolling? O, stay and hear ; your true love s coming. The about ludicrous relationship between Sebastian and Antonio is created by Shakespeare for a hinted comedic consequence or merely for construction If you will non slay me for my love, allow me be your servant . Antonio s linguistic communication can be seen as merely the look of a strictly Platonic passion. However, Antonio s words can besides be seen as transporting an obvious homoerotic charge. It seems safe to state here that if Antonio were a adult female, we would read her address and actions as an unambiguous look of her love for Sebastian and hope that he would return this love. In a drama so concerned with flexing gender roles-a drama in which Orsino can look to be attracted to ViolaMalovolio portrays a authoritative image of a Puritan. As Olivia s retainer, he dreams of power and his position within the interior ring, and wants nil else than to get married his kept woman. This would hold seemed absurd and impossible as there are social normalcy s that would forestall su ch an unfortunate matrimony. Although societal mobility was get downing to take topographic point, there was still a division among the categories. It would hold been rather out of topographic point for a adult female of Olivia s position to get married one so far beneath her. Although for Malovolio, the state of affairs of how it would be between him and Olivia s uncle, Sir Toby Belch, if he had gained the manus of his kept woman, he said, I extend my manus to him therefore, slaking my familiar smiling with an severe respect of control You must amend your inebriation Malovolio s presence in this scene adds a new uncertainness to the drama and we start to free the empathy we one time had for the crackbrained Malovolio instead we see his pretentious grandiloquent manner of exposing his false hope and misguided love. We can see why Maria does nt experience psychotherapeutic about the secret plan and its inappropriate terminal. The manor in which Malovolio speaks shows that he genuinely believes he deserves to be above his category and negotiations about condescending to Sir Toby whose reaction shows his disapproval. Malovolio s desire to lift above his category sets a class for his ain death though the relationship with Olivia ; this shows the audience that Sir Toby and the others find his psychotic beliefs to absurd. Malovolio is an unsuitable lucifer for Olivia non merely of his unsympathetic personality but besides because he is non of baronial blood. He is within his category a lower category citizen and to Sir Toby a common man, while Olivia is a adult female of baronial blood with money and a high societal position.The Duchess ( within the duchess of malfi ) is an independent and noncompliant adult female who has a strong personality and I think was urged on to remarry by her brother s menaces and warnings non to remarry down her societal position. I believe that she wanted to withstand her brother s, she wanted to arise, because that s in her nature. Webster s primary beginning for his narrative ( largely true to history ) , William PaintersA Palace of Pleasure ( 1567 ) , shows less sympathy for the Duchess, taking a rigorous, moralistic tone, reprobating her for being excessively lubricious and for interrupting the recognized regulations of her societal position Hypocrisy is woven of a all right little yarn, Subtler than Vulcan s engine: yet, believet, Your darkest actions: nay, your privatst ideas, Will come to visible radiation. .Webster created, in the Duchess what Shakespeare neer did, a tragic female supporter ( Juliet does nt move on her ain, Cleopatra portions the universe phase with Antony ) who represents a challenge to societal hierarchy andA natural A order, violas state of affairs was resolved besides. As a adult female she refuses to be subservient to work forces: she ignores her brothers bids non to get married, and she takes the enterprise to court Antonio. A rich widow presented a particular menace to male-dominated households, as she was now free to get married of her ain choosing for love, and to give the household wealth to another adult male. The job in a stiff society. Her offense is taking a hubby non from the governing category but from the upwards nomadic in-between category ( utilizing the term really loosely ) . The opinion category, in the form of Duke Ferdinand and the Cardinal, resist the thought of a adult female doing a free pick, particularly when that pick transgresses cat egory strata. It is necessary for her to be eliminated in order to keep the position quo. In the instance of the Duke an compulsion with blood, genteelness and pureblood tips over into murkily incestuous desire, a fury to command his sister s gender and eventual lunacy.Jane EyreA is critical in the geographic expedition of neo-Victorian England s societal hierarchy. Bronte s geographic expedition of the complicated societal place of governesses is possibly the novel s most of import intervention of this subject. Like Heathcliff inWuthering Highs, A Jane is a figure of equivocal category standing and, accordingly, a beginning of utmost tenseness for the characters around her. Paradoxically for Malvolio his intervention creates a comedic consequence of his result due to his category and personality and likewise to Sebastian s consequence of the propulsion of the drama and feste s catalytical consequence to the narrative, In her novelA Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte explores the possibility that catego ry relationships have no absolute boundaries that can non be crossed. Her protagonist Jane is placed in between economic categories and impetuss among the lower, in-between, and upper categories of Victorian England. Jane s flexible category position allows her to measure other characters on their actions and personalities instead than on their economic position and physical visual aspect. She forms deep relationships with members of the other categories and holds animus towards persons that others might esteem based on their accomplishments in life but who did non move suitably to Jane. Other characters in the novel justice Jane in much the same manner as she Judgess them ; they note her category position and physical visual aspect at first but so larn to appreciate her for her behavior and ideas. Bronte ends the novel on a dramatic bend of events that wholly flip Jane s category position. Yet, Jane still remains the same character that we have seen throughout the full novel. Charlotte Bronte uses Jane Eyre as an illustration that category boundaries are non finite and that persons can exceed them.Jane tends non to measure other people based on their category position. Alternatively, she evaluates people s high quality or lower status based on their behaviour and signifiers either deep friendly relationship or animus based on it. During her childhood at Gateshead, Jane is more emotionally attached to the retainer Bessie than to any of her affluent household members. She bases her worship on Bessie s personal features instead than her economic position. Fraiman tells us that during Christmastime, alternatively of hankering toward the genteel company, [ Jane ] would instead pass a quiet eventide with Bessie ( 617 ) because of the motherly features that Bessie displays towards Jane. Jane longs for the fondness of a motherly adult female instead than the glamourous company of her rich household.Jane s characters temperament manifests, edification, instruction and higher position this would hold been expected of an blue blood, because Victorian governesses, who tutored kids in etiquette every bit good as faculty members, were expected to possess the civilization of the nobility. Yet, as paid employees, they were more or less treated as retainers ; therefore, Jane remains hard up and powerless while at Thornfield. Jane s apprehension of the dual criterion crystallizes when she becomes cognizant of her feelings for Rochester ; she is his rational, but non his societal, equal. Even before the crisis environing Bertha Mason, Jane is hesitating to get married Rochester because she senses that she would experience indebted to him for condescending to get married her. Jane s hurt. This state of affairs corresponds to that of MalvolioJane herself speaks out against category bias at certain minutes in the book. For illustration, in ChapterA 23A she chastises Rochester: Do you believe, because I am hapless, vague, field, and small, I am soulless and heartless? You think incorrect! -I have every bit much psyche as you-and full as much bosom! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should hold made it as difficult for you to go forth me, as it is now for me to go forth you. However, it is besides of import to observe that nowhere inA Jane EyreA are society s boundaries set. Ulti mately, Jane is merely able to get married Rochester as his equal because she has about as if by magic come into her ain heritage from her uncle. Bronte distils a perfect statement of love and its aforesaid dependence on category differentiations ; she has used her characters in a manner that there is her ain symbolic significance behind the novel. Bronte s has created a direct contrast with the two other texts I am analyzing, within 12th dark Shakespeare s usage of category as a agency for separation and out love have been used for comedic consequence, non to inquiry or contrive against any societal restrictions, the duchesses state of affairs was non to oppugn but make dramatic consequence utilizing category as a division and boundary. Paradoxically to viola and the duchess jane s category indifference and equivocal history created a journey of self find and because of her unknown category, a manner of happening true unstudied love was found. The thought of societal differentiations puting apart relationships now is considered antediluvian because of its absurdness and because of the passage within tolerance and reason, it m atters small about wealth and societal hierarchyLove in Jane Eyre is a prevailing subject and is projected and differed through the hinderance of the category system and its consequence on love. I find a similarity within Jane s character to Shakespeare s viola because of their societal troubles taking to a positive decision in both instances. Whereas viola s character s societal misconception is used chiefly for comedic and satiric consequence Jane s in used as a contemplation of the constrains of the written content at the clip and like a Christmas carol it has been written to inform and to make a fictional history of how category hinderance can do agony and a battle to accomplish and grok what s accomplishable. Bronte s used of a first individual narrative besides gives the fresh intensions of factual histories and gives the whole novel a subject of pragmatism and non straight implied intolerance. The duchess likewise to Jane s character is portrayed trough a battle, besides in the duchess of malfi is through love though the category divide. Because of the clip constrains within this novel, a different intension was meant in the significance of the subject of love though hierarchy. Webster s usage of category was distinctively a agency of a secret plan device likewise although somewhat contrived to twelfth dark whereas the secret plan seems so ludicrous to his modern-day audience and shocking in the instance of the duchess of malfi.Jane Eyre, The duchess of malfi A ; twelfth dark all portion the assurance that all the characters whose societal category is consequence when looking fro love are all female. This is partially due to some of the constrains within the novels such as Jane Eyre where a adult female s ability to take a spouse was dictated their parents and this meant that a category hinderance ( disregard from Mrs. Reed and her kids I am glad you are no relation of m ine. I will neer name you aunt once more every bit long as I live. I will neer come to see you when I am grown up ; and if any one asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will state the really idea of you makes me ill . Jane asserts her ardent spirit in her philippic, and she displays a acute sense of justness and a acknowledgment of her demand for love ) made it harder than males to run into agreeable work forces. Whereas the duchess is of baronial blood likewise to the state of affairs of viola in that we know of her state of affairs and the other characters are incognizant of her baronial blood and she falls in love below her category when in camouflage as a adult male and a lower category than she is really situated. the duchess is in love with a adult male from below her ain category and because of the aforesaid clip constrains this relation was seen as inappropriate and would hold been contested by her household because of the consequence on their households repute and her future matrimonial chances.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Happiness Essays

Happiness Essays Happiness Essay Happiness Essay William Min Lacy 3A AP Lang NOV. 14, 2013 The Fluid, Ambiguous Nature of Happiness Happiness is green and adorned with the faces of our nations fathers. Happiness is a good cigar and a strong margarita. Happiness is finishing your paper early so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend. Happiness is the sensation brought by victory or triumph. Happiness is having the picture-perfect family often seen on the screen of televisions. Happiness is large pizzas, a couple beers, and enjoying the Sunday Night prime time matchup with a group of fellow fans. Happiness can be represented by irtually anything, yet people give vague answers when asked What makes you happy? or Are you happy? We oft receive answers that leave us more unfulfilled than if we simply did not ask at all. Is everyone ashamed of what makes them happy or do they Just simply not know? Perhaps the best and only explanation for this befuddling situation is: Happiness is cannot be defined. We know what has made us happy before, but at any given time, what makes us happy is a mystery hiding in the depths of our hearts. As it is written in the constitution, every American is ntitled to the basic right: the pursuit of happiness. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck represents this concept perfectly, as Lennie and George are driven by their vision of eventually owning their own plot of land and a bunny patch on that land. However, Crooks, the black farmhand, delivers the reality of the situation: Just like heaven. Everbody wants a little piece of Ian. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. Its Just in their head. : Theyre all the time talkin about it, but its Jus in their head. (43) This emphasizes how it is only the ursuit, and not the goal, that we are entitled to. This Journey to find Joy often also ends tragically, sometimes more so than not even reaching the arbitrary line in the ground where we draw our happiness. Jay Gatsby experiences the heartbreak of this empty Journey in The Great Gatsby after the magic with him and Daisy fades had occurred to [Gatsby] that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever. Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy it had seemed very near to her, almost touching her. It had seemed as close as a star to the oon. Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one. (121) Fitzgerald describes, how after the initial honeymoon period, Gatsby realizes Daisy Buchanan is not the same woman from his dream. His whole life has been driven by the motivation of finishing the fairy tale between him and Daisy, yet once he is with her, Gatsby finds that the void in his heart is still left unfilled. Despite how much he believed it, Daisy was not a one-way ticket to euphoria and was imperfect Just like himself. The quest of happiness is rarely finished and hose who finish after many years of toiling find that what they wanted before is not what they want now. The fluctuating nature of human happiness has been well- initially respond with miou choose or l dont care, but right as we enter the car, we form our own opinion after the decision has been made. A new taco place Just opened up, maybe there was a special deal at the buffet, perhaps an overwhelming craving for chocolate cake at that one place suddenly developed. Then once we arrive at the restaurant that took arguing and manipulation to get to, the question of what o eat becomes even more difficult than the question of where. If we knew what made us happy, this classic, sticky dinner situation would not sound so familiar. What made us happy yesterday or what makes us happy right now likely will not be the same even a couple hours into the future. Just like our Christmas presents and dinner plans, to be truly happy, we ask for something different every time and what we say might not even be what we want. Speaking of dinner plans, Malcolm Gladwell discusses the fickle nature of human happiness in his TED talk, Choice, Happiness, and Spaghetti Sauce. Referencing the progression of the food industry, he mentions the innovation that Howard Moskowitz brought to the table, literally. Prior to Moskowitz, food science was always based on studies where researchers would verbally ask people what they wanted out of a certain food. Moskowitz asked the same question, but to their taste buds, rather than their ears. He discovered people could not always express their desire and perhaps were oblivious to their own preferences. Extra-chunky spaghetti sauce was not a thing before the studies Moskowitz conducted. One-third of all Americans now prefer extra-chunky, but could ot express their deep longing for this type of spaghetti sauce until Moskowitz cooked it up and realized the widespread popularity of this variety that was yet to be produced. Gladwell also mentions coffee and how people claim they want a dark, rich, hearty blend, yet most people actually prefer a milky, weak coffee. (Gladwell) Humans may not know what they want at all, not until theyVe tried and established preferences for themselves. Calling happiness elusive or hard to find would be misleading, as virtually anybody can find a moment in their day where they are appy. Rather, it avoids those who aimlessly attempt to seek it. Impulses are wired into human mentality and it makes us impulsive beings by nature. The criteria happiness is contingent upon is everchanging and fluctuates with our urges. What you yourself find happiness in, others may find laughable. What made you happy when you were 10 years old is likely not going to make you happy now. What you thought would make you happy may very well not be what you wanted at all. Happiness will always exist, but will always do so in a capricious state. Ironic as it ay be, those who set out to define and find their personal happiness often end up finding the least. Too often do we try to define ourselves as someone who we want to be, rather than who we are, and forget that our happiness is not found in a fictitious image of ourselves, but in the essence of the person we actually are. Fitzgerald, F. Scott, and Matthew J. Bruccoli. The Great Gatsby. New York, NY: Scribner, 1996. Print. Gladwell, Malcolm. Choice, Happiness, and Spaghetti Sauce. TED Talks. Long Beach. 15 Feb. 2004. Lecture. Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin, 1993. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

My philosophy of education for learners with special needs Assignment

My philosophy of education for learners with special needs - Assignment Example In order to establish such an environment, I will assume the role of a guide; promote the respect for people and diversity; and give room to the child’s inherent curiosity to direct their learning. When the I acts as a guide, the student’s desire to learn is fulfilled; they learn to find answers, practice previously learnt skills, and discover themselves. Students can be helped to respect and appreciate themselves, their environment and others by being encouraged to share ideas, instilling discipline in them, and by being encouraged to dialogue such as through class meetings. When students are given a chance to study what interests them and what is meaningful to them, they get motivated to learn. The teacher should thus develop a curriculum that revolves around the interests of students and that is pegged on intrinsic motivation. In conclusion, I believe that every child should be given an opportunity to learn in an environment that is safe and that is motivating. Given that every student is unique, I hope to provide an atmosphere that takes into consideration the unique needs of the learners while giving them room for self