Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why I Want to Join the US Infantry - 960 Words

As an American, you are granted special freedoms that many others do not have, but do you know why you are able to have those freedoms? Is it the politicians? No, it is the men and women in uniform fighting overseas. As the backbone of our military, the infantryman plays a valuable role in the success of our armed forces. Many people know of our nation’s heroes. Unfortunately, many do not know what they do, the strength they need to do it, or how they undertook the task of joining the United State’s infantry. First of all, what do they even do? I have come to find out that there is a lot more to a soldier than â€Å"point and shoot†. Most of what they do is not even combat related. For example, one of the important tasks they are trained to do is protect the data that they collect. This includes knowing how to safely transport it from point A to point B, without the information being damaged or compromised. An infantryman also has to know how to operate and maintain the communication devices that they are are issued. If they do not sufficiently know how to use the equipment they are given, they are not only running the risk of themselves being harmed, but the others around them. Ever wondered how they keep themselves protected in the open areas? They are trained for that too. They are taught how to dig foxholes, build bunkers, set up camouflage, and build other types of fortifications. Without the knowledge to do so, they would be susceptible to enemy fire, andShow MoreRelatedWomen Should Be Integrated Into Combat Positions1057 Words   |  5 PagesWomen should be integrated into combat positions such as infantry, artillery, and Special Forces. If a woman chooses this kind of challenge, then she is more than capable. Women are as tough as men. They can do what a man can do, and if that is going into combat then yes, why not? 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